Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Cut-offs for IIT Admissions this year likely to Slide

PUNE: An extremely harsh marking system with two negative marks for wrong answers for over 50% of the questions in the joint entrance examination (JEE) advanced paper on Sunday may see an all-time low in the cut-offs for this year's entrance to the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs).

Overall, students who took the exam found the maths paper tougher than chemistry and physics, while both papers were reported to be lengthy.

Over 800 candidates from Pune appeared for this examination which was conducted in two sessions for two papers on Sunday. Candidates who clear this test will get a seat in one of the 17 Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs). The results will be declared on June 18.

The advanced exam had two papers conducted in two sessions, in the morning and at noon. Each paper had 60 questions with 264 marks for Paper I and 240 marks for Paper II. The total marks for the advanced exam was 504 and open category students scoring 176 marks (35%) would be awarded a rank.

Education expert Durgesh Mangeshkar while analysing the paper said the marking system was extremely tough this year and it will surely reflect on the final results. Mangeshkar said, "Out of the 120 questions, 66 had negative marking. These 66 questions were multiple-answer questions and usually, for such questions the IIT would cut either one mark or nothing. However, cutting two marks for every wrong answer is a bit harsh on students."

The 66 multiple answer questions had more than one right answer, so if a student ticks just one or two right answers for a question that has three right answers among the options, then he/she would get two negative marks. In the past, for these questions, the IIT either gave zero negative marks or cut just one mark for a wrong answer. However, the two negative marks cut this year was unsettling.

Sarvesh Shah, a student who attempted the exam, said, "While the questions other than negative marks were easier, they were subjective. I am banking on them. I had to attempt the paper more cautiously than I thought."

Karthik Mahesh, another student who scored 317 marks in the mains examination, said, "I attempted the easier questions first. Some questions in maths were tough, but I attempted all the questions that did not have negative marking."

Vaibhav Bakliwal, who runs a coaching institute for IIT preparation, said, "The marking scheme was very strange this time and it will sharply reflect on the final results. The total marks also increased from 360 last year to 504 this year. Due to this type of marking, the scoring will be low and students who score 380 marks and above will be in top 100 ranks."

Aakash Chaudhry, director of Aakash Educational Services, said, "Overall, the paper was of moderate difficulty as compared to previous years. Out of the three subjects, mathematics portion had lengthier calculations. Paper I was more theoretical as is the case usually. An average student would have been able to attempt the questions with reasonable effort. Paper I did see some drift in the question pattern."
Source: TOI

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