Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Guidelines:Pen-Paper Based(Offline) JEE-Main 2013 Exam

Instructions for Pen - Paper Based Examination of JEE (Main) 2013 Entrance Exam
  1. Five minutes before the commencement of the paper the candidate will be asked to break/open the seal of the Test Booklet. She/he will take out the Answer Sheet carefully. The candidate should check carefully that the Test Booklet Code printed on Side-2 of the Answer Sheet is the same as printed on the Test Booklet. In case of discrepancy, the candidate should immediately report the matter to the Invigilator for replacement of both the Test Booklet and the Answer Sheet.
  2. Candidate will then write particulars with Blue/Black ball point pen only on both the sides of the Answer Sheet. Use of pencil is strictly prohibited. If one uses the pencil, his/her answer sheet will be rejected and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard. After completing this step, the candidates will wait for the instruction by the invigilator.
  3. The test will start exactly at the time mentioned in the Admit Card and an announcement to this effect will be made by the invigilator.
  4. During the examination time, the invigilator will check Admit Card of the candidate to satisfy himself/herself about the identity of each candidate. The invigilator will also put his/her signatures in the place provided in the Answer Sheet on Side-1.
  5. Candidate shall bring his/her own Ball Point Pens of good quality. These will not be supplied by the Board.
  6. A signal will be given at the beginning of the examination and at half-time. A signal will also be given before the closing time when the candidate must stop marking the responses.
  7. The candidate will check that the Test-booklet contains as many numbers of pages as are written on the top of the first page of the Test Booklet.
  8. The candidates must sign twice on the Attendance Sheet at the appropriate place. Firstly, immediately after commencement of the Examination and for the second time while handing over the Answer Sheet to the Invigilator. The candidates are also required to put their left hand thumb impression in the space provided in the Attendance Sheet.
Time Schedule For JEE (Main) - 2013 Pen and Paper based (Offline) Examination:

Paper-1 Paper-2
Dates of Examination 07.04.2013 07.04.2013
a) Entry in the Examination Hall 0900 HRS. 1330 HRS.
b) Distribution of Test Booklet 0920 HRS. 1350 HRS.
c) Seal of the Test Booklet to be broken/opened to take out the Answer Sheet 0925 HRS. 1355 HRS.
d) Last entry in the Examination Hall 0930 HRS. 1400 HRS.
e) Test commences 0930 HRS. 1400 HRS.
f) Test concludes 1230 HRS. 1700 HRS.

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